“School Leader Lab charged us to go back to our spaces and do the work, and I did it. It was small things that I could put in place. It didn’t feel like big lifts because the work is already hard and heavy. It gave me the confidence to get started on being a better leader.”
— LaKeshia Lews, Principal, Crossroads Charter School — Quality Hill
Who: The cohort is open to principals, vice principals, assistant principals, deans, instructional coaches, or an equivalent role in schools in DC.
How much: Tuition cost is $18,000. Apply by March 10 to save 10%.
Need more information? Review our one-pager.
Apply: Applications for DC SLC open March 3. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our programming.
Who: The program is open to teacher leaders, grade-level chairs, department chairs, or an equivalent role in schools in DC.
How much: Tuition cost is $3,000.
Need more information? Review our one-pager.
Apply: Applications for Teacher Leader Cohort are now closed. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our programming.
Who: The cohort is open to DC-based leaders on network leadership teams, such as chief academic officers, chief operating officers, and chiefs of talent and hiring.
How much: Tuition cost is $9,000. Apply by March 10 to save 10%.
Need more information? Review our one-pager.
Apply: Applications for DC Executive Leader Cohort open March 3. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our programming.
There are currently no special convenings scheduled. Connect with us if you have an idea for a special convening and sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our programming.
Thank you for your interest in being a part of School Leader Lab’s programs!
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Connect with us if you have an idea for a special convening.
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